Get paid to save with Rush Hour Rewards!
New and innovative technologies will be critical as the Texas electric grid moves into the future. One tool is demand response. Typically, this involves large businesses and industries curtailing electricity usage when asked because demand is high.
But did you know CoServ offers its own residential demand response program? Rush Hour Rewards allows residential Members who participate to earn up to $40 each summer while enrolled.
Who’s eligible?
- Must have a Google Nest Thermostat and central air conditioning.
- All residential Members, in apartments or single-family homes (rent or own).
- Must be enrolled in CoServ’s Rush Hour Rewards program.
What to expect?
- Members earn four (4) consecutive monthly credits of $10 to their electric account at the end of each month, June 1 through September 30, while enrolled.
- Events consist of a pre-cooling period to make your home more comfortable. When an event starts, your thermostat is raised a few degrees to reduce electricity usage.
- Events typically last three hours and usually occur between 3 and 7 p.m.
Why does it matter?
When your electricity reduction is combined with thousands of other Members at the same time, it reduces the amount of electricity CoServ needs at the hottest part of the day, when wholesale prices are highest. These savings are passed through on future electric bills to all Members by adjusting the Power Cost Recovery Factor (PCRF).
For more information, visit
Important note: You will always have full control over your thermostat, even during events, to maintain comfort and control in your home.