How to beat the heat this summer

IF LAST SUMMER is any indication, the Texas heat is on full blast and will only creep higher in July and August. Typically, that means electricity usage will also increase.
While you can’t control Mother Nature outside, there are things you can do to reduce energy usage in your home while also remaining comfortable. For that, we talked with Josh Sterling, CoServ’s Manager of Energy Solutions, about the best ways to reduce electricity usage this summer.
Here are his recommendations:
Adjust your thermostat:
- The U.S. Department of Energy recommends setting your thermostat to 78 degrees during the summer months. When you leave the house, adjust the thermostat up 5 to 7 degrees so you aren’t wasting cool air on an empty house.
Seal up leaks:
- Check for leaks around vents and electrical outlets
to keep hot air out and cool air in.
Check the pool pump:
- Reduce the number of hours you run your pool pump. Check with the pump manufacturer to determine running time.
Service your HVAC system:
- Maximize your HVAC system's efficiency by scheduling maintenance twice a year and regularly changing the air filter.
Check insulation:
- Insulation helps slow down the transfer of heat into your home. CoServ’s energy experts check this during energy assessments.
Use ceiling fans:
- A ceiling fan can reduce the temperature in a room by 4 to 6 degrees.
- Make sure it spins counterclockwise in the summer.
- Turn it off when not in the room.
Consolidate your refrigerators/freezers:
- It's handy to store food in an extra fridge in the garage but it's also costly from an energy standpoint. Garages can reach temperatures in excess of 120 degrees, which makes the fridge or freezer work even harder to maintain temperature. Considering turning off the garage fridge in the summer months.
Use blinds/curtains:
- Direct sun in the summer can heat up a room quickly. Window coverings can help. Blackout curtains and thermal drapes are even better.
Knowledge is power.
Did you know that SmartHub features:
- Usage alerts and usage comparisons
- A Home Energy Calculator customized to your home and habits
- The ability to manage usage notifications
- Easy access to proof of residency
All of this and more is available in SmartHub. For more information, visit