Rush Hour Rewards
Nest and CoServ have partnered to help you save energy—and get paid in the process. Rush Hour Rewards helps you earn rewards for saving energy during peak demand periods, while still keeping you comfortable. During Rush Hour Reward events, your Nest thermostat will automatically tune temperatures before and during a Rush Hour event to reduce energy use and lower grid costs.
Who's eligible for Rush Hour Rewards
- Members with a Google Nest thermostat
- Members with a central air conditioning unit
- Members in apartments or single-family homes or rent or own.
- Must be enrolled in CoServ's Rush Hour Rewards program
Here's what Residential Members can expect:
- Each summer, participating households will earn four (4) consecutive monthly credits of $10 to their electric account at the end of each summer month (June–September) while enrolled.
- Events may consist of a pre-cooling period to make your home more comfortable and a period of time when your energy usage is reduced.
- Events can last up to four hours at a time and typically occur between 3 and 7 p.m.
- Nest will notify enrolled customers a minimum of one hour in advance of each event.
- The program spans four months of summer starting June 1 and ending Sept. 30.
Why Rush Hour Rewards are important?
When temperatures soar, air conditioner use also increases, creating “an energy rush hour.” Wholesale electricity costs are typically highest during the hottest part of the day. These power costs are passed through on future electricity bills to all Members. These rush hours can result in peak events.
Together, we can work to lower these costs. A Google Nest Thermostat can help you use less energy during a rush hour event by cooling your home ahead of time and then adjusting the temperature up a few degrees when it's needed. Members who participate in Rush Hour Rewards can earn four $10 bill credits.
If you’re home, Nest won’t let the temperature change more than a few degrees. Plus, you always have the option to change the temperature as needed. You’ll stay comfortable and you’ll always be in control of your thermostat.
See terms and conditions.
How to Enroll
To participate in Rush Hour Rewards, you’ll need to be a CoServ Electric Member and have central air conditioning that’s controlled by a Nest thermostat. Enrollment is completed through Google Nest. You will need your Nest username and password when you're ready to enroll.
Don’t have a Nest Thermostat?
- Google Nest thermostats can be purchased at any home improvement store or online retailer.
- CoServ does not provide or sell Nest thermostats and we do not offer rebates.
- At this time, only Nest thermostats are eligible for the CoServ Rush Hour Rewards Program.
How to Unenroll
Please email [email protected] to unenroll from Rush Hour Rewards. Your request will be processed within 3–5 business days.