Builder Underground Service Request
Homebuilders in a preplanned subdivision can use CoServ's Online Builder Portal to submit requests or check the installation status of underground electric and/or natural gas service.
Before submitting a request, please be sure that the following requirements are met:
- Permanent stub out locations are present AND the electric meter base location is clearly marked or installed. Temporary markings of stub out location are not acceptable. Requests made prior to stub out will not be processed.
- Pathways are clear of all debris including brick, lumber, sand, trash, scaffolding, etc.
- Water and sewer lines must be marked by the builder, as these are private lines and will not be located through Texas 811.
For underground service requests not included in a pre-planned subdivision, please click here for further information.
Please contact Development Services and Logistics at [email protected] or 940-270-6825 with any questions.